Search Results
60020 & 60035 Cwmbargoed-Westbury stone
60037 Westbury-Cwmbargoed stone
60020 pauses at Gloucester with the Robeston to Westerleigh Murco 26/03/2014
DBS 66120, 66074 & 66041 6W36. 04/05/2013
Network Rail DR80211 6U31. 20/06/2013
60036 Cwmbargoed-Aberthaw MGR
66113 Machen-Westbury.
37889 & 37894 Cwmbargoed-Aberthaw MGR
60037 at Cwmbargoed
Westbury Freight 15 years ago (or so)
DBS 59206 6B83, short version.
66144,17 july,2008